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/ hįrčyk / [ hįrčyk’] `Ficus bengalensis’
/ prņ /  [ prņ] `nightingale’
/ kar/
     (17) /w/ - [w] : Bilabial approximant

/ wąy/ [wąy] `bowl’
/ wyg/ [wyg]  `whirlpool’
/ gwįg /


/ tįwāré/


     (18) /y/ - [y] : Palatal approximant.

/ yū /  [yū .]  `ricebeer’
/ yuwą / [yuwą] `son’
/ yike / [yüke ] `a clan name’
/ tayś /  [tayś] `gnat’
/ hįya / [hįya] `yellow wasp’
/ thya /  [thya] `black partridge’
/ khįy /



1.4.4.   Clusters :

Aspiration :

The clusters of voiceless stops adn voiceless affricate with /h/ are realized phonetically as aspirated stops or an aspirated affricate.

(1) /ph/ - [ph] :  Aspirated voiceless bilabial stop

/aphim /  [?aphüm] `reed’
/ phu /  [phi] `elf-owl’
/ taph /

 [taph ]


(2) / th / - [th] : Aspirated voiceless apicodental stop.
/ thą / [thą] `mocking bird’
/ thó /  [thó] `lesser hornbill’
/ tapóthilg /  [tapót hülk’] `humming bird’
`soldier ant’

(3) /kh/ - [kh] : Aspirated voiceless dorsovelar stop.

/ khįmbą /  [khįmbą ] `giant red squirrel’
/ kh/  [kh] `one’
/ pigrikhilayk/

`pigmy kingfisher’

(4) /ch/ - [ch] : Aspirated voiceless apicodental affricate.
/ché / [ché] `chaffinch’
/ chgyć/ [chgyć] `red-whiskered bulbul’
/ chł /
Palatalization :

The clusters of the apicodental stop and the lateral with /y/ are realized as thier palatalized counterparts and the clusters of the affricates, the voiceless fricative and the apicoalveolar nasal with /y/ are realized as their palatal counterparts.

(1) /ty/ - [ty] : Palatalized voiceless apicodental stop.

/ atyįrį /  [?atyĮrĮ ] `crab’
/ tyś /







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