In the course of the case, the elephant said,
`I ran wild because the bird entered into |
21. |
p yawč |
ahśwąbo |
bird-Nom |
ask-IF (3Sg)-Cau |
Someone asked the bird.
The topicalization of the accusative noun is
clear in the sentence.
The bird said, `I flew because I was startled
when the wild boar knocked down my nest’
The boar said, `(somebody) threw a wood apple on me’.
24. |
h |
khimyõnayągõ |
startle-CF-Impl |
I-Nom be angry- |
Rep-CF-Impl |
jyidebola |
do-IF (1Sg)-Cau-Ret |
`So, startled and angry, I did whatever I did’.
As it went on, the queen now accused the ant.
26. |
kath wč
lįąbo h
raninył |
ant-Nom say-IF(3Sg)-Cau |
asabonela |
I-Nom queen-Dat (?) |
food-Acc |
give-go-DF |
(1Sg)-Ret |
chy gdegõ |
pįhwć é |
dityugõ |
walk-IF (1Sg)- |
Inst frog this-Nom |
sit-Ref-Imp1 |
h |
tįgdebo |
magõ |
I-Nom |
bite-IF (1Sg)-Cau |
The ant said, `As I was taking food for the
queen, this frog blocked the road, and, as a result, I bit it’.
27. |
wé |
kh bo |
kźs |
that-Nom frog-Nom- |
Loc reach-Cau |
case-Acc |
tiyąwč |
indict-T-Nom |
Now the frog was indicted in this case.
28. |
kźs |
tiyąwč |
case-Acc |
indict-T-Nom |
frog-Nom-Loc |
kh boą |
reach-go-IF (3SG) |
The frog is indicted.
29. |
dyabya |
raniwucewč |
pįhwćwč |
queen-Nom |
queen- |
particular-Nom |
frog-Nom |
dimi |
yõkõyą |
nettles-Acc |
bring-Def-T |
The queen brought (struck with) nettles to
the frog.
30. |
tacha aba |
taphrabkowąwčgõ |
nettles-Now |
strike wart- |
Nom-Inst |
khņgąla |
taphro |
dalyo |
be ugly-Ret