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The unaspirated voiceless alveolar stop and its aspirated congener : [] and [h]

ōŏ ‘child’ ōthó ‘paddy’
ó ‘creek; brook’ ‘quickly’
ŏkō ‘few [adj and v]’ hņh ‘be neurotic’
pfŏŏ ‘human male’ ‘1. plantain
      2. banana

The unaspirated voiceless velar stop and its aspirated congener : [k] and [kh]

hą ‘body part between hākh ‘plum’
throad and chest’
ōkł ‘squirrel-like animal ōkhł ‘grave’
with three lines
running along its
body to kill which
is a social honour’
ō ‘horn’ cōkhĭ ‘kind of tree, strikingly
tall and upright with
small branches’
ōkŏ ‘stalk’ kņkhŏ ‘embrace [n]’
mā ‘be cold [of mīkhĕ ‘smoke’
weather or body]’

The voiceless bilabial affricate [pf] and its voiced congener [bv]

ōpf ‘mother’s sister’ bv ‘hatch [vi]’
pfŏ ‘mound’ bvóthą ‘kill by goring’

The voiceless bilabial affricate and the aspirated voiceless bilabial stop: [pf] and [ph]

kņph  ‘to blink’  ōpf ‘mother’s sister’
phōdū  ‘male [as of bovine  pfŏó ‘human male’
quadrupeds viz.,
cow etc]’
cģphņš  ‘apple fruit’ pfņz[s] bǔ  ‘durmast;
sessile oak tree’

The voiceless bilabial affricate and the voiceless labiodental fricative : [pf] and [f]
ōpfǔ  ‘optimum load ōfǔ  ‘lung’
for a man’
ōpf  ‘mother’  ‘to cook by putting under
ash or an cinders’
pfŏ  ‘mound’ fōlā  ‘navel’
ōpf  ‘mother’s sister  ōf ‘1. grove; thicket
2.  plot of land’

The voiced bilabial affricate and the voiced labiodental fricative : [bv] and [v]
bvóthą  ‘kill by goring’  ōvō ‘to knit’
cŏphó  ‘to hatch’  vģprō ‘venus’
ōbvģ  ‘cage’ ōv  ‘banana’

The unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate [c] and its aspirated congener [ch]
ō  ‘stone’ chģ  ‘to knit’
cģphó ‘cotton’  ch ‘to hang up on a hook’
cv  ‘kind of bamboo,  ch ‘to insert ring on a
slender and cane- finger’
like used for
making ropes,
covering wicker-
work, bucket etc.’

The unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate and its voiced congener : [c] and [j]





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