The nasal and oral vowels may phonetically
cōhāhč |
‘date palm’ |
cōh hč |
In Marrison’s [1967 : 356-7] account of Mao Naga
phonology, nasalization does not find mention. |
Diphthongs |
Mao Naga has six [intramorphemic] diphthongs,
two of which are diminishing or falling and four of which are rising.
Marrison [loc. cit.] recognises only three, viz., ei, ei and ou, presumably
The six intramorphemic diphthongs are "e , o ,
and u,
e. There are five intermorphemic diphthongs :
a , u , a
and o ; e is a rising diphthongs which may be intramorphemic or
crossboundary. |
Intramorphemic Diphthongs |
The diphthong
{e ]
glides from the articulator position for the central vowel
[«] to that for the
front vowel [i] the former constituting the peak of sonority.
p phra |
‘tear [as clothes, leaves, paper etc.] [vt]’ |
b  |
‘to close [as topic, war etc.] |
ib o |
‘kind of plant, thick, fleshy-stalked and edible’ |
lop  |
‘she [remote]’ |
movupfip  |
‘queen’ |
The diphthong [o ] is composed of [o] as the
peak of sonority which slurs over to the higher articulatory position of
mētŏ ŏ |
‘1. |
paternal/maternal aunt’s/uncle’s daughter |
2. |
sister [generic]’ |
p nō ŏ |
‘brother [speaker : male]’ |
This diphthong, however, has a surprisingly in frequent
occurrence, and the nonsyllabic [u] is so brief and weak
that it may at times be monophthongized so that pķnō ŏ
‘brother [speaker : male]’ may be, in one of its occurrences,
[pķnō ].
The diphthong [ u], one of the four rising
diphthongs, moves from the front nonsyllabic [i] to the back vowel [u], the
latter being more prominent.
ģn ŭ |
‘to press [tr]’ |
ō ūĭ |
‘sister [generic], younger or elder [speaker :
male]’ |
só mņ hiŭ |
‘to clean [tr]’ |
The diphthong [ i], another rising diphthong
moves from the non-syllabic central vowel [ ]
to the syllabic vowel [ ] - the diametric reverse of the fiphthong [ ]
as far as locus of syllabicity is concerned.
ctkh i |
‘waist’ |
The nonsyllabic is exceedingly brief at times
resulting in a monophthong :
ctl i |
> |
ctli |
‘servant’ |
ctv i |
> |
ctvi |
‘kind of bamboo, slender and cane-like used
formaking ropes, covering wicker-work,bucket, etc.’ |
The diphthong [ e] is a front vowel unit wherein
the tongue glides from the high palatal [i] to the lower [e] the latter
constituting the syllabic peak.
It occurs word-medially and -finally.
ō kh ěcó |
‘cough’ |
ōЄié |
‘gourd [generic]’ |
ōkhr ě |
‘1. phlegm |
2. brain’ |
Like some diphthongal units discussed above, the
monosyllabic at times is strikingly brief leading to a monophthong. When, in
fact, it is moophthongized, the erstwhile syllabic, viz., [e] gets weaker in
palatality :
ōrįc é |
> |
ōrįc |
‘sky’ |
[ō hié] |
ōr ē |
> |
ōr |
‘descendant’ |
ōr ē |
> |
ōr |
‘1.seed;pip |
2. bone’ |
nōk ē |
> |
nōk |
‘branch’ |
mį ě |
> |
m*z |
‘make an object fly’ |
The diphthong [ u]
which has a remarkably limited occurrence, like the diphthong
[o ],
is composed of the central vowel [ ],
the nonsyllabic and