6. |
numeral eg. pongo |
‘five’ |
opongohi |
__ |
__ |
lopongotahi |
Remote inter-locutor deictic pronoun
Remote interlocutor-remote deictic pronouns,
statistically infrequent, are exposed in terms of the phonetic saymbolism of
length, the first syllable being longer than that of the proximate
interlocutor-remote pronoun, or as with some speakers, of tone, the first
syllable being spoken on a higher tone than that of the proximate
interlocutor-remote pronoun.
dim masc./dim |
__ |
material entity |
dim. fem. |
loopüiohi |
__ |
6. |
numeral eg.
pongo |
‘five’ |
loopongohi |
__ |
loopongotahi |
The Anaphoric Pronoun
Anaphoric pronous are four in number : |
a) loi
b) ii,
the i
ending pronous and c) losü and d) süsü,
which are the -sü ending ones. As may be expected,
the -i
ending ones entail familiarity, knowledge on the part of
the interlocutors about the referent of the pronoun whereas
the -sü ending ones do not entail such knowledge.
A further difference between loi
and ii
is that the speaker is emotionally indifferent to or is
not positively inclined towards the referent of ii
whereas the referent has some appeal to the speaker in the
case of loi/lonai/lopüii.
This difference applies especially to human referents. Nondeictic
pronouns beginning with lo- signify referents which
are somehow remote. Thus, lonati could undicate
a referent which is hidden or in some sense far away and
which is one of the two one of which the listener has brought. |
Anaphoric Pronoun 1 |