254 |
oja-o |
‘teacher [male and
sg.]’ |
oja-püi |
‘teacher [female and
sg.]’ |
*oja-na |
‘teacher [male and
sg.]’ |
255 |
ona-o |
‘son’ |
ona-püi |
‘daughter’ |
*ona-na |
‘son’ |
The singular is marked by -püi for human
feminine and exceptionally for nonhuman feminine. Phrased more
appropriately, -püi marks human feminine gender and singular number and
exceptionally, nonhuman feminine gender and singular number.
Like -na,
the human masculine gender and singular number marker, -püi
can close relative participles converting them into participal
256 |
a. |
modo kapi-püi |
‘female teacher [sg.]’ |
b. |
larü amodo-püi |
‘female learner [sg.]’ |
c. |
ota katapüi |
‘female cultivator
[sg.]’ |
d. |
o ho
kasepüi |
‘female paddy-pounder
[sg.]’ |
e. |
korü-püi |
‘female writer [sg.]’ |
The following constitutes evidence that -o, -na
and -püi mark at the same time singularity
and specificity :
[i]a |
o ho
se |
‘to pound paddy’ |
b |
o ho
ka-se-püi |
‘[one specific] female
paddy-pounder’ |
*c |
o ho
ka-se-püi kali |
‘one female paddy-pounder’ |
*d |
o ho
ka-se-püi kosü |
‘three female paddy-pounders’ |
I’m not sure of this form, as
ona could mean both ‘offspring’ and ‘male offspring’ |
[ii] |
a |
o ho
ka-se-na |
[one specific]
male |
paddy-pounder’ |
*b. |
o ho
ka-se-na kali |
‘one male
paddy-pounder’ |
*c |
o ho
ka-se-na kosü |
male paddy-pounders’ |
In contrast, -pfo and -pfü mark gender
to the exclusion of number and specificity, as pointed out
a. |
mod pi |
‘to teach’ |
b. |
modo ka-pi-müi-pfo |
‘[any] male teacher[s]’ |
c. |
modo kapi-müi-pfü |
‘[any] female teacher[s]’ |
This difference as to the marking of specificity between
-o, -na nd -püi on the one hand
and -pfo and -pfü on the other, explains
why -pfo and pfü can not nominalise relative
participles while -o, -na and -püi can
a. |
osa de |
‘to weave’ |
b. |
osa ka-de-o |
‘[one specific] male
weaver’ |
c. |
osa ka-de-na |
‘[one specific] male
weaver’ |
d. |
osa ka-de-püi |
‘[one specific] female
weaver’ |
*e. |
osa ka-de-pfo |
‘[any] male weaver’ |
osa ka-de-pfü |
‘[any] female weaver’ |
pfo and pfü, however, can precede
[redundantly] the specific NG markers in participal nouns
or follow -müi which agentivizes absolute nominals
and nominalizes relative participles, as pointed out earlier.
a. |
modo ka-pi-pfo-na |
‘male teacher’ |
b. |
modo ka-pi-pfü-püi
‘female teacher [participal
nouns]’ |
261 |
a. |
duka-müi-pfo |
‘[any] male shop-keeper’ |
b. |
duka-müi-pfu |
‘[any] female
shop-keeper’ |
[absolute nominals]