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Bibliography and References
1. Bloomfield, L. Language, Delhi, Motilal Banarasi Das, reprinted in 1963
2. Bloch, Bernard and George L. Trager : Outline of LInguistic Analysis, New Delhi : Oriental Books Reprint Corporation 1972.
3. Gimson, A. C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English (7th Edn.), Edward Arnald (Publication) Ltd. London
4. Giridhar, P.P. Angami Grammar, Mysore : Central Institute of Indian Languages, Grammar Series No. 6, 1980
5. Government of India, Census 1971. Part II C(i) Social and cultural Tables.
6. Gurubasavegowda, K.S. Ao Grammar, Mysore : Central Institute of Indian Languages, Grammar Series No.1.
7. Gowtham, Radheshyam Sinha : Kohima: Nagaland Bhasha Parishat
8. Grierson, G.A. (Ed.) Linguistic Survey of India Vol. III, Part II, Specimens of the Bodo, Naga and Kacchin Group, Delhi : Motilal Banarasidas 1967.
9. Hockett, C.F. A course in Modern Linguistics, New Delhi : Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1970.
10. Jones, Danil , An outling of English Phonetics, (9th Edn.) Cambridge, England : W. Heffner and Sons, Ltd., 1960
11. Ladefoged, Peter. Phonemics U.C.L.A. Working Papers in Phonetics, 20 Los Angeles : University of California, 1971.
12. Lyons, John. Introduction to Theorectical Lingusitics, Cambridge University Press. 1967.
13. Marrison , E. A. Classification of Naga Languages (Cyclose tyled), Vol. I. II, London, 1967.
14. Mills, J.P. Lotha Nagas, London, Macmillian ,1922.
15. Pike, K. L. Tone Languages, (7th Edition) Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1967.
16. Sreedhar, M.V. Sema Grammar, Mysore : Central Institute of Indian Languages, Grammar Series No. 7. 1980.
17. Writter, W.E. Outline Grammar of Lotha Naga Language, Culcutta, 1888.







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