Lotha as said earlier a syllable may consist of one nucless with
a juxtaposition of a tone preceded and followed by one or more consonants.
In Lotha, monosyllabic words form the basis for the syllanbic division.
In disyllabic words of the pattern VCV the syllabic division would
be always V and CV. For example : mì
-mì ‘fire’. The reason for such a division would be supported from
the monosyllabic words. In Lotha, monosyllabic words will have the
pattern of V and CV or CCV and not CVC type. Out of these types
vast majority of words are of CCVC type. If CCVC is followed by
VC again, syllable division would be CCV-CVC. For example : pyáph n-’kite’
here syllable division occurs as pyà-ph n.
syllable will have a structure of + consonant (s) + vowel
and tone. Initial consonant can be a single consonant or a consonant
cluster. All consonants can occur in the initial position. Consonant
clusters like py, phy-, ty-, thy-, khy-,
nt-, nth-, nch-, ns--, nmh-, nl-, sáy-,
occur in the initial position.
closed syllable may have a structure of + vowel +
consonant + vowel and tone + consonant.
In the initial position any vowel can occur except
and all consonants can occur in the initial position. p, ph,
t, th, k, kh, pv, ts, tsh, c, ch,
f, v, s, z, sá,
m, mh,
n, ,
l, r, rh, w, y can occur as the second member
of the consonant and consonants like p, k, s, h, m, n, ,
l, r, y occur in the final position.