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2. [témò] /témò/ to sing
3. [tmócì] /tmócì/ slap

  Medially before the following consonants :

ph, th, d, ch, l, v
1. [tmphén] /tmphén/ bat
2. [smthìv] /smthìv/ to throw
3. [cmdà] /cmtà/ pincers
4. [khmlán] /khmlán/ religion
5. [hámv] /hámv/ to carry
1. [míkhm] /míkhm/ fire worship
2. [óm] m/ cobra
3. [tám] /tám/ monkey

. /mh/ It is a voiced aspirated bilabial nasal. It does not have any other positional variant other than [mh] itself. It occurs initially and medially in a word.

  Examples for [mh] :

Initially before a vowel :

1. [mhkcù] /mhkcù/ blind
2. [mhà] /mhà/ to bless
3. [mhn¡] /mhn¡/ good
4. [mhóndà] /mhóntà/ treaty
5. [mhémì] /mhémì/ hell

  Medially between two vowels :  
1. [mhì] /mhì/ tail
2. [mhókù] /mhókù/ to amuse
3. [mháthì] /mháthì/ pumpkin
4. [mhìkrákì] /mhìkràkì/ jealousy
5. [límhà] /límhà/ world

/n/ It is a voiced unaspirated dental nasal. It does not have any other positional variant other than [n] itself. It occurs initially, medially and finally in a word.

  Examples for [n] :

Initially before a vowel :
1. [nhórì] /nhórì/ child
2. [nóp] /nóp/ deaf
3. [íòó]  /íò/ parrot
4. [n] /n/ July

  Initially before a lateral and trill :  
1. [nlplà] /nlplà/ lightening
2. [nr] /nr/ February

  Medially between two vowels :  
1. [mlánì] /mlánì/ evening
2. [hnò] /hnò/ hen
3. [nílánà] /nlánà/ revenge (Imp)

  Medially before the following consonants :

t, c, ch, f, s, r


1. [ùántyò] /ántyò/ star
2. [phyóncchò] /phyóncchò/ float (Imp)
3. [ánchò] /ánchò/ statue
4. [ménf] /ménf/ lip
5. [pón] /pón/ cream
6. [sónr] /sónr/ long snake








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