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Examples for [ch] :

Initially before a vowel :

1. [chórò] /chórò/ moon
2. [chkà] /chkà/ sprout
3. [chrò] /chrò/ cut into pieces (Imp)
4. [chà] /chà/ throw fire wood (Imp)

Medially between two vowels :

1. [chó] /chó/ wing
2. [ch] /ch/ stool
3. [chán] /chán/ to put into view

  Medially after the following consonant:


1. [chónchìv] /chónchìv/ to open a bag

/f/ It is a voiceless labiodental fricative. It does not have any positional variant other than [f] itself. It occurs initially and medially in a word.

Examples for [f] :

Initially before a vowel :

1. [frò] /frò/  dog
2. [flì] /flì/ kidney
3. [frókyù] /frókyù/ bitch
4. [f] /f/ to measure

Medially between two vowels :

1.  [sf] /sf/ leather
  Medially after the following consonants :

n, k,

1. [ménf] /ménf/ lip
2. [ránf] /ránf/ wolf
3. [mhkf] /mhkf/ eye lash
4. [kháfà] /kháfà/ curve

Medially before the following consonants :


1. [fvì] /fvì/ thief

/v/ It is a voiced labiodental fricative. It does not have any positional variant other than [v] itself. It occurs initially, medially and finally in a word.

Examples for [v] :

Initially before a vowel :

1. [vó] /vó/ lake
2. [vónch] /vónch/ dawn
3. [vù] /vù/ owl

Medially between two vowels :

1. [hvcì] /hvcì/ attack (Imp)
2. [svì] /svì/ tailor
3. [rívèn] /rívèn/ flag
4. [máv] /máv/ hay

Medially after the following consonants :

m, k, f, r

1. [khámv] /khámv/ to close
2. [hákv] /hákv/ yellow








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