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5. Tólè sép c-n zó-chò "kh mhì c hnphì z
then stag the-nom say-past or friend my tail the use see
    t zà mp mhì c pí-chò
but say his tail the give-past.

6. Tthá kálè tmc-n sép mhì ckhì hnsì
afterwards monkey-the-nom stag tail the having
    ótù  móts chìísì-chò.
tree one climb-past

7. C sép-c-n zó-chò khmò céyì mhì c
then stag-the-nom say-past friend come-down my tail the
    pà tólyà ótm-c-n tsánì yís-chò.
me give but monkey-the-nom away run-past.

8. C sép-c-n khntsà mp nthn cíkhì
then stag-the-nom wandering he liver taking-by
    mp mhì c nsòy r-chò.
he tail the make-past.

9. Hcìckónà nhà cánà kyóntn-n phy-là
Therefore uptill now man-quantifier-nom say pres
    Sép mhì nthn c-v mhn.
stag tail liver like eat-to good.
1. This is the story of old days, stag and other animals became so different one from the other.

2. Stag and monkey became good friends.

3. In those days the stag had a big tail but the monkey had no tail.

4. One day the monkey asked the stag for his tail and said "friend, I want to put on your tail and see how I look".

5. Then the stag said "put on my tail friend and see how you look" and gave him his tail.

6. Afterwards the monkey having put the tail of the stag, climbed the tree.

7. Then the stag said "friend come down and give my tail but monkey ran away.

8. Then the stag wandering took his own liver and made a tail out of it.

9. Men say "That is why even now stag’s tail is so good and it tastes so good and it tastes like a liver.








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