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If a numeral is added. It comes after the adjective.

kákò rákìv nì      two red books
book red two

If a demonstrative pronoun is added then it comes in the end.

kákò mhm       These two good books
book good two this

When adjective qualifies a person tskà or nchù is added at the end,

kyón mh°m ts«Ükà     or    nchù  one good man
man good one
3.12.1. Classification of adjectives :
  Lotha has following kinds of adjectives .
(1) Qualitative (2) Quantitative (3) Predicative

3.12.11. Qualitative adjective :
  Adjectives which attribute a quality to the noun are called qualitative adjectives.

póy rhórò mhm good boy
boy good
lóy rhórò kórì pale girl
girl pale
árò pyón handsome child
chilb handsome
hlì khù hard work
work hard
kyón zvy foolish man
man foolish
fkhì honest dog
dog honest
kyón kh brave man
man brave
pnóy kyáklì clever teacher
teacher clever
kákò thán new book
book new
hn old house
house old
lmón myákù green leaf
leaf green
thrà rákì red flower
flower red
óm sphà long cobra
cobra long
khè hnr short hand
hand short
tspv big buffalo
buffalo big
kyón pélé fat man
man fat
áró tárà small child
child small adjectives :


These adjectives refer to the quantity of the nouns to which they are attributed.







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