The sociative case suffix is also - tole and expresses
the idea of association with some one.
na:nu go:pa:ltole hajjamacce? e |
‘I went with Gopal’ |
na : nu rellitole ha?
ĩ |
‘I go with Relli’ |
Locative :
The locative suffix is - ta and expresses location of an action and also the
direction towards a place.
e:yuta medditu |
‘cows entered into the water’ |
evari o: a
ka ata
methamanneri |
‘They are sailing boatsontheriver’ |
evasika isku:lita hannu |
‘They go to school’ |
The locative suffix is not used with
place names.
na:nu Ra:yagada ha?
‘I go to Rayagada’ |
N.B. :
The nouns illu ‘house’ and na:yũ ‘village’ have special forms of the locative;ijjo and na:ţo
respectively. These forms also function as oblique base to which other
case terminations and added.
The locative ijjo is being used increasingly as the nominative instead
of the form illu.
Ablative : |
The ablative case suffix is -ţi
and expresses the direction from which the action is taking place.
ma:ro ho:ruţi
recci mannomi
‘we are descending from the mountain’
na:nu ka aţi
va:hi ma:?
‘I am coming from the river’
na:nu Ra:yagadaţi
va:hima? ĩ |
‘I am coming from Rayagada’ |
Genitive : |
The genitive case expresses possession. It is not usually added to
animate nouns . The case suffix is -ti.
ku:jati kappu e:khimu |
‘uncover the lid of the goglet’ |
ka ati
e:yuņu:ņaņa:himanne |
‘The water of the river is receding’ |
ayya heńńu¸i
‘The woman’s basket is there’ |
mellu leńńuņi
ojja manne
‘peacock’s tail is beautiful’
In the case of the personal pronouns the stem occurring before
certain of the case suffixes is different from the one occurring in the
nominative. The stem to which the case suffixes are added is called the
oblique stem. |
As in the nouns there is no overt nominative case suffix and
the free form of the pronoun occurs in the nominative. |
na:nu imba?a ma? ĩ
‘I am here’ |
evasi tinji mannesi |
‘He is eating’ |