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The R. dialect has the plural allomorph -ri used exclusively with human masculine nouns; --h,-´ga used with human masculine and some neuter nouns the of the plural suffix being the same as that of the fina 1 vowel of the singular noun stem; -- ska ~ sika used with human feminine nouns and some neuter nouns ; and --ka used exclusively with neuter nonus.

The L dialect has the plural allomorph -ru and- ńga occurring in the same environmental distribution as the R dialect - ri and - ńga, - ska occurring only with human fem. nouns and the same class of neuter nouns as in the R. dialet but elsewhere it has -
The D dialect has only - ńga as the plural suffix
        ii)   Case suffixes:

The accusative case suffix is - ?â in the R dialect,
- ? ĩ in the L and D dialeacts.

The dative case suffix is- ki in the R and L dia-
lects, - ?ĩ in D dialects.

The genitive case suffix is - ti in the R and L
dialects, - ni in D dialect.

The instrumental - associative case suffix is - tole
in the R and L dialects - ŗe ? e in D dialect.
iii)    Pronouns

The third person masculine human singular pronouns have the forms evasi, eyu, eva :nju in the R, L and D dialects respectively.

The third person plural forms are evari in the R
dialect and evaru in the L and D dialects.

The pronominal suffixes for the 3rd person singular.
plu. respectively. are - esi : eri in the R dialect.
-é yu; - eru in the L. dialect and, - enju : - eru in the D dialect.


The pronominal suffix - ayi is used in the present
indicative with the 1st pers. plu. ind. in the R.
dial. while - o is used in the L dialect.

The suffix - o is used to mark the optative of the verb in the R. dialect as well as in the L dialect.







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