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The forms for ‘lakh’ and ‘crore’ are borrowed from Assamese.
lak ‘lakh’
kuti ‘crore’

All the other numerals are formed by a combination of the basic numerals with or without any combinatory marker. The combination processes employed in Karbi are addition, multiplication and substraction. These processes are discussed here.

The numbers ‘seven’, ‘eleven to nineteen’, twenty-one to twenty-nine’, thirty-one to thirty-nine’, etc., are formed by addition. The numeral ‘seven’ is formed by adding the numeral for ‘six’ and ‘one’
throk-chi ‘seven (6 + 1)’

The numerals 11 to 19, 21 to 29, 31 to 39, etc., are formed by adding the numerals 10 and 1 to 9, 20 and 1 to 9, 30 and 1 to 9 etc., respectively.
‘thirteen (10+3)’
‘twentysix (20+6)
thom kep-ra-phli
‘thirtyfour (30+4)’
‘eightyeight (80+8)’
pharo ichi rapho

 ‘one hundred and
pharo hini ra ichi

 ‘two hundred and one
The combinatory marker for addition is -ra- and it is added in the numerals 11 to 19, 21 to 29, 101 to 109, 111 to 119, etc., 201 to 209 and so on.
     thomkep rakethom
     ‘thirtythree (3x10 + 3)’
     charikuri rathok
     ‘eightysix (4x20 + 6)’
     pharo ichi raichi
     ‘one hundred and one (100x1 + 1)’
     pharo ichi rathrokchikep
     ‘one hundred and seventy (100x1 + 7x10)’
The multiples of ten except twenty and hundred and multiples of hundred and thousand are formed by multiplying ten, hundred and thousand with other numerals.

ikoy ~ ikor ‘thirty (3x10)’
pho-kep  ‘fifty (5x10)’
pho-kep-ra-hini ‘fiftytwo (5x10 + 2)’
pharo phli ‘four hundred (100x4)’

pharo ichi rathrok-kep


‘one hundred and sixty (100 + 6x10)’
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