The forms for ‘lakh’ and
‘crore’ are borrowed from Assamese.
All the other numerals
are formed by a combination of the basic numerals with or
without any combinatory marker. The combination processes
employed in Karbi are addition, multiplication and substraction.
These processes are discussed here.
Addition |
The numbers ‘seven’,
‘eleven to nineteen’, twenty-one to twenty-nine’, thirty-one to
thirty-nine’, etc., are formed by addition. The numeral ‘seven’
is formed by adding the numeral for ‘six’ and ‘one’
throk-chi |
‘seven (6 + 1)’ |
The numerals 11 to 19,
21 to 29, 31 to 39, etc., are formed by adding the numerals 10
and 1 to 9, 20 and 1 to 9, 30 and 1 to 9 etc., respectively.
‘thirteen (10+3)’
i koy-ra-throk
‘twentysix (20+6)
thom kep-ra-phli
‘thirtyfour (30+4)’
‘eightyeight (80+8)’
pharo ichi rapho
‘one hundred and
pharo hini ra ichi
‘two hundred and one
The combinatory marker
for addition is -ra- and it is added in the numerals 11
to 19, 21 to 29, 101 to 109, 111 to 119, etc., 201 to 209 and so
thomkep rakethom |
‘thirtythree (3x10 + 3)’
charikuri rathok |
‘eightysix (4x20 + 6)’
pharo ichi raichi |
‘one hundred and one
(100x1 + 1)’
pharo ichi rathrokchikep |
‘one hundred and seventy
(100x1 + 7x10)’
The multiples of ten
except twenty and hundred and multiples of hundred and thousand
are formed by multiplying ten, hundred and thousand with other
kep |
‘ten’ |
i koy
~ i kor |
‘thirty (3x10)’ |
pho-kep |
‘fifty (5x10)’ |
pho-kep-ra-hini |
‘fiftytwo (5x10 + 2)’ |
pharo phli |
‘four hundred (100x4)’ |
pharo ichi rathrok-kep
‘one hundred and sixty (100 + 6x10)’ |