e ÷ a |
erlo |
arlo |
‘become red’ |
‘in, inside’ |
eli |
ali |
‘we (incl.)’ |
‘water-current’ |
te |
ta |
‘wood, fuel’ |
‘finish’ |
men |
man |
‘be ripen’ |
‘become’ |
lem |
lam |
‘play with doll’ |
‘language’ |
vokek |
vokak |
‘parrot’ |
‘duck’ |
arbe |
ba |
‘bug’ |
‘or’ |
che |
ocha |
‘voice’ |
‘son-in-law’ |
a ÷ o |
an |
o |
‘meal, cooked rice’ |
‘maternal uncle’ |
voak |
ok |
‘crow’ |
‘fish, meat’ |
dak |
dok |
‘here’ |
‘be sweet’ |
chan |
nechon |
‘pull out’ |
‘like me’ |
la |
lo |
‘water’ |
‘get’ |
ha |
ho |
‘earth’ |
‘take out’ |
ja |
ajo |
‘guide (v)’ |
‘night’ |
ocha |
ocho |
‘son-in-law’ |
‘child’ |
o ÷ u |
ok |
i ?uk |
‘fish, meat’ |
‘bark’ |
o |
un |
‘maternal uncle’ |
‘be able to’ |
don |
dun |
‘relative’ |
‘go with’ |
mon |
cimun |
‘candle’ |
‘finger’ |
po |
pu |
‘waste left in the mouth after chewing’ |
‘say’ |
cò |
cu |
‘eat’ |
‘head-hair’ |
mo |
mù |
‘from -beginning to completion of a work’ |
karlo |
karlu |
‘clear off the grass’ |
‘climb’ |
Front Vs. Back
i ÷ u |
i lit |
unlo |
‘leach living in water’ |
‘was able to’ |