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Uh uh ‘expression of sorrow/apin’
pUh puh ‘an Assamese month’
th toh ‘yes’

In some words, [h] freely varies with [x], the voiceless velar fricative.

hotn~ hoton ‘a small basket used to store
rice etc.’
bIhi~ abihoy ‘subject’
hnyahi~ honyahi ‘sanyasi’
Ihn~ ihon ‘love, like’
khai~ kahay ‘thin’
hrlu~ harlu ‘a metal cup used to drink
    water, beer etc.


/l/ is realized as [l], the alveolar lateral everywhere.
la la ‘he, she, it’
lEpUm    lepum pestle’
lama lama ‘flag’
lUt lut ‘enter’
plIpli plipli ‘butterfly’
cóEl celo ‘buffalo’
kIlu kilu ‘cockroach’
lUpIk lupik ‘more blunt’
jal jal ‘fishing net’
trval torval ‘sword’

/r/ is realized as [r], the alveolar trill everywhere.

rE re ‘skin’
r ro ‘village’
rUmal rumal ‘handkerchief’
pIrthe pirthe ‘world’
ptora patora ‘trouble (Tr.)’
cIru ciru ‘weep’
botr botor ‘weather’
jr jor ‘sell’
nichar nichar ‘great grandfather’s sister’
par apar ‘except’

/v/ has two allophones [] and [v]. /v/ is realized as [], the high-back unrounded non-syllabic vowel after a vowel and before a consonant or in the final position.
r rov ‘a fish’
tan tavn ‘town’
blasch blavch ‘bolouse’

v/ is realized as [v], the labio-dental frictionless continuant initially and before a vowel.

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