Uh |
uh |
‘expression of sorrow/apin’ |
pUh |
puh |
‘an Assamese month’ |
t h |
toh |
‘yes’ |
In some
words, [h] freely varies with [x], the voiceless velar
hot n~ |
hoton |
‘a small basket used to
store |
rice etc.’ |
bIh i~ |
abihoy |
‘subject’ |
h nyahi~ |
honyahi |
‘sanyasi’ |
x nyahi |
I h n~ |
i hon |
‘love, like’ |
I x n |
k hai~ |
ka hay |
‘thin’ |
k xai |
h rlu~ |
harlu |
‘a metal cup used to
drink |
water, beer etc. |
/l/ is
realized as [l], the alveolar lateral everywhere.
la |
la |
‘he, she, it’ |
lE pUm |
le pum |
‘pestle’ |
lama |
lama |
‘flag’ |
lUt |
lut |
‘enter’ |
plIpli |
plipli |
‘butterfly’ |
cóEl |
celo |
‘buffalo’ |
kIlu |
kilu |
‘cockroach’ |
lUpIk |
lupik |
‘more blunt’ |
jal |
jal |
‘fishing net’ |
t rval |
torval |
‘sword’ |
/r/ is
realized as [r], the alveolar trill everywhere.
rE |
re |
‘skin’ |
r  |
ro |
‘village’ |
rUmal |
rumal |
‘handkerchief’ |
pIrthe |
pirthe |
‘world’ |
p tora |
patora |
‘trouble (Tr.)’ |
cIru |
ciru |
‘weep’ |
bot r |
botor |
‘weather’ |
j r |
jor |
‘sell’ |
nichar |
nichar |
‘great grandfather’s
sister’ |
par |
apar |
‘except’ |
/v/ has two
allophones [ ]
and [v]. /v/ is realized as [ ], the
high-back unrounded non-syllabic vowel after
a vowel and before a consonant or in the final position.
r |
rov |
‘a fish’ |
ta n |
tavn |
‘town’ |
bla sch |
blavch |
‘bolouse’ |
v/ is
realized as [v], the labio-dental frictionless continuant
initially and before a vowel.