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distinction may be made in writing the phonemes /o/ by the letters () and (o) to mark the two realisations of /o/. In Assamese also both () and (o) are used.

Sample written in Karbi

Phonemic Karbi Meaning
ok ‘fish, meat
ro village
ocho child
co eat
adun second
maha face
ihan mud
hidi field
un be bale to
aru and
en take (from table, etc.)
kethe big
kimo bamboo
cimon taste
1) halake netum ahem

That is our house.
2) ladak meņ do
Here is a cat.
3) meņaphan methan iņ?uklo
The dog barks at the cat.
4) naņli chopo vaņlo
Your son has come
5) laphan tomo thannon
Tell him a story.


hem kim

hem thur athay pathaylo / nujok enapo /
hulik tukra ena ji / nujok parenni / nujok
ederlote arbu arphe vaknapo / arbu arphe
raklo / jarbop arvaklo / karlo huplo / phela
diplo / arpo parpo naji / iNhap pen khiriki
dorkar /.

House Building
The place is cleaned. The posts have to be erected digging holes. The posts are on two sides. After erecting, the middle and wall-side parts are cut for fitting. Tie these posts. Small bamboo pieces are fitted from the side to the centre horizontally. Thatching is made with grass. The wall is to be fitted. Door and windows are needed.


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