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The distinction between word and phrase especially of noun and noun phrase is not clear-cut in Karbi. If a word is defined as that which is bounded by pauses, then the gender and number markers can be both a separate word and part of a word.

me a-lo
‘male cat’
me a-pi
‘female cat’


‘they (Hum.)’
‘we (Excl.)’


monit a-tum
‘men, people’
pincho a-tum

Whenever a- occurs with gender and number, then the forms are separate words. The same is valid in case of some cases and postpositions also.

‘him, her, it’
la-tum aphan
thepi a-du
‘near the tree’


 ‘near me’


A noun phrase in Karbi may be any one of the following :

The noun followed by gender.
methan alo
‘male dog’
methan api
 ‘female dog’
cayno api
Some gender forms precede the noun.
pincho aocho
‘boy (male child)’
arlocho aocho ‘girl (female child)’

 The noun followed by number
pinchomar atum
hem an
ochomar atum
tovar an


palo an ‘cots’


The noun marked for both gender and number
vo-pi an
‘hens, female birds’
me api an
‘female cats’


methan alo an
‘male dogs’
arlochopimar atum
the derived noun

kecho aba

‘one who is sick, patient’
kam keklem aba
‘one who works, worker’

The noun preceded by demonstrative adjective or genitive
la ilo ‘this hill’
halacho amonit  ‘that man’
lahuy atomo

‘these stories’

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