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When gender reference is to be made of all higher class of animals (see sec., or age reference or number reference (=collective reference) is to be made (see sec. the nouns that qualify the head nouns follow the head nouns.
Qualifying Nouns

/pá/ ‘male’
/púi/ ’female’
/nú/ ‘female’
/cál/ ‘male’
/rùol/ ‘a group’
/té/ ‘young one’
/hn/ ‘collection of’

/lál pá/ ‘emperor’
/lál nú/  ‘empress’
/súok pà/ ‘male slave’
/súok nù/ ‘female slave’
/kèl cál/ ‘he goat’
/kèl púi/ ‘she goat’
/sàké cál/ ‘male tiger’
/sàkéi púi/ ‘female tiger’
/b: té/ ‘calf of a cow’
/pàsál tè/ ‘a minor boy’
/náupá rùol/ ‘a group of children’
/b: rúol/ ‘a herd of cows’
/rúl hn/ ‘a number of snokes’
/thíN hn/ ‘a stack of fire wood’
Some nouns referring to some vegetables also show this kind of compounding. For example :
/ú:m/ ‘gourd’
/ú:m-ták/ ‘ash gourd’
/ú:m-fá:k/ ‘long gourd’
/ú:m-d:fá:k/ ‘snake gourd’
/bé/ ‘beans’
/bè púi/ ‘snake beans’, ‘glove beans’
/bè kán/ ‘soy beans’
/bè té/ ‘cluster beans’
/bè éi/ ‘snake beans’
/bè li/ ‘red beans’
3.6.4 Attributive N + Head N Compound
Contrary to the general order of N + Adjective or N + Attributive compounds, Hmar also manifests some compounds of which the attributive nouns precede the head nouns. Given below are few examples :
/bá/ ‘wall’
/pàká b/ 'cement wall’
/pílpk zùt bà/ ‘mud plastered wall’
/éklèi bà/ ‘brick wall’
/lú/ ‘stone wall’
/rá:p bà/ ‘bamboo split wall’
/pàt/  ‘cotton’
/pá: pát/ ‘silk cotton’
/hrúol/ ‘rope’
/pàt hrùol/ ‘cotton rope’
/phástíc hrúol/  ‘plastic rope’
/nàríel hrúol/ ‘coconut rope’
/zìzá hrúol/ ‘jute rope’
/íncù/ ‘roof’
/paka íncù/ ‘concrete roof’
/thí phèk íncù/ ‘wooden roof’
/rúo íncù/ ‘bamboo roof
/tile íncù/ ‘tile roof’
/rù/ ‘bone’
/ká: rù/ ‘rib bone’
/málpùi rù/ ‘thigh bone’
/ná:k rù/  ‘ribs’






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