The Central Institute of Indian Languages was set up on the 17th
July, 1969 with a view to assisting and co-coordinating the
development of Indian languages. The Institute was charged with
the responsibility of serving as a nucleus to bring all the
research and literary output from the various linguistic streams
to a common head and narrowing the gap between basic research and
developmental research in the fields of languages and linguistics
in India.
The Institute and its four Regional Language Centers are thus
engaged in research and teaching which lead to the public-
caution of a wide-ranging verity of materials. Preparation of
materials designed for teaching/learning at different levels and
suited to specific needs is one of the major areas of interest
of the Institute. Basic research relating to the acquisition of
language and study of langu.1ge in its manifold psycho-social
relations constitute another broad range of its interest. The
publication will include materials produced by the members of
the staff of the Central Institute of Indian Languages and its
Regional Language Centers and associated scholars from
universities and institutions, both Indian and foreign.
The Central Institute of Indian Languages has initiated the
Grammar series in non-literate languages in general and tribal
languages in particular presenting a description of every such
language in the sub-continent. This is undertaken with a view to
producing instructional material necessary for learning and
teaching the language concerned. It is also expected to be of
Synchronic and diachronic study of languages.
If these materials help solving problems, both individuals, both
individual and corporate, and help in understanding the people
speaking the language, then our efforts will be deemed to have
been simply