In 7 (I) - (iii), the genitive CM ka
shows agreement with the head noun; but in 8 ( i ) - (iii),
the CM ka of the ka-na construction shows
no such agreement. |
Furthermore, whereas the nominalizer ka
can be optionally deleted, the other lexical CMs cannot
be. We choose the genitive ka as a representation
instance of the latter for the purpose of illustration. |
(9) |
(i) |
ram ka kalam accha hai
ram CM pen nice be+PRES
(Ram's pen is nice)
(ii) |
*ram kalam accha hai ram
pen nice be+PRES
(10) |
(i) |
gita ki sari acchi hai
gita CM sari nice be+PRES
(Gita's sari is nice)
(ii) |
*gita sari acchi hai gita
sari nice be+PRES
(11) |
(i) |
bar bar bukhar ke ane se ram
again and again fever CM come+Nom CM ram
pareshan ho gaya
upset be+PAST
got upset by fever coming again and again)
(ii) |
bar bar bukhar ane se ram pareshan
again and again fever come CM ram upset
ho gaya
got upset by fever coming again and again) |