(73) |
*kanjoos ko dhan ka apna moh shanti
CM wealth CM self attachment peace
marne bhi nahi deta
die+Nom even NEG give+PAST
(74) |
*atma ka apna adhar sharir hai
CM self basis body be+PRES
Consider the following which further support
our observation. Here are four sets of sentences. In the
first any once of each, the object of possession (the
head N) is alienable and apna expresses exclusiveness
of possession, and in the second sentence in each set,
a clause has been added to the first sentence so as to
express the meaning that the ownership of the relevant
object is shared. As expected, the resultant sentences
are ungrammatical. |
(75) |
ye mohan ki apni kitab hai
this mohan CM own book be+PRES
(This is Mohan's own book)
(ii) |
*ye mohan ki apni kitab hai aur ram ki
this mohan CM own book be+PRES and ram CM
(This is Mohan's book and is Ram's too.)
(76) |
voh mohan ki apni gadi hai
that mohan CM own car be+PRES
(That is Mohan's own car.)
(ii) |
*voh mohan ki apni gari hai aur
that mohan CM own car be+PRES and
uske bhai ki bhi
his brother CM also