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ra:s ‘demon’
j^E?t ‘until’
tIIčauli ‘boiled rice’
s^Iñaba ‘grandfather’
lE^n ‘such’

[?], glottal stop is produced as this: the vocal cords are brought together to block the air passage completely. The air is compressed due to pressure from the lungs. The arrested air is released with an explosion when the vocal cords are opened.


da?a ‘water’
be:?e ‘to spit’
sa:?p ‘to catch’
olt^?t ‘educated’
č^?p ‘to open (mouth)’
t^sÃ? ‘grass’
h^č? ‘to sneeze’

[b], bilabial lax stop, is produced same as [p] except voicing. The vocal cords vibrate.

Examples :
ba: ‘flower’
b^na ‘bear’
bIsi ‘poison’
bIñga ‘to separate’
bru ‘hill’
lEmbu ‘lemon’
kmba ‘hut’
rImbIl  ‘cloud’
b^lb^l ‘sweat’
asIrb^d ‘to bless’

[b5], bilabial voiced tense stop, is produced same as [b] except tense. The vocal organs are tense.

Examples :
au ‘we (pl, incl.)’
hEe ‘to carry (child)’
č^k ‘whip’
na ‘dark’
ka ‘hunch back’
lo ‘to thicken’
^ra ‘to sink’
jIbn ‘life’

[d], dental voiced lax stop, is produced same as [t] except the vocal cords vibration.

Examples :
da:a ‘branch’
d^ru ‘tree’
d^n^ŋ ‘to hide’
d^r^¸ ‘to protest’
dIsm ‘country’
dur^ŋ ‘song’
b^ndi ‘paddy stalk’
k:nda ‘dumb’
smdIki ‘daughter-in-law’s mother’
b^rd^?  ‘bat’
t^ld^ru ‘palm tree’

[d5], dental tense stop, is produced same as [d] except tense. The vocal organs are tense.

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