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Bhumij has 41 consonant sounds; of the 41 consonants, 25 are stops, 4 are affricates, one is fricative, 6 are nasals, one is lateral, 2 are flaps and 2 are semi-vowels or glides.

Of the 25 stops, 8 are aspirated and the rest are unaspirated. Of the 17 unaspirated stops, 8 are tense, and the rest are lax stops, of the 4 affricates, 2 are aspirated and 2 are unaspirated.

[P]. bilabial lax stop, is produced by blocking the air completely at the lips. The air behind the closure is compressed due to pressure from the lungs and when the lips are opened, the compressed air rushes out making an explosive soud. The vocal do not vibrate.

Examples :
pIsi ‘father’s sister’
PEre ‘full’
Pnr ‘plant’
PrIthIm ‘world’
prsd ‘to avenge’
P^ ^Iri ‘grinding stone’
P^mp^i ‘butterfly’
bha:p ‘steam’
dpdp ‘to flicker (as fire)’
pap ‘sin’
č^rp^u ‘cockroach’

[p5 ], bilabial voiceless tense stop is produced same as the sound [P] except tense. The vocal organs are tense.

ya ‘to bury’
g^a ‘tomorrow’
j^a ‘near’
dIIl ‘to carry (on head)’
sI ‘to carry (with raised hand)’
k^^ji ‘argument’
čI? ‘to grip’
Ula ‘basket’

[t] dental voiceless lax stop is produced by blocking the air completely by raising the tip of the tongue against the upper teeth. The air behind the closure is compressed due to pressure from the lungs and when the tip ofthe tongue is removed from the upper teeth, this sound is produced with an explosion.

Examples :
t^l, ‘name of a particular tree’
tIi ‘cook’
t^la  ‘middle’
tIsIñ ‘today’
tmbli ‘wasp’
t^ymte ‘afterwards’
ssta ‘cheap’
jmti ‘right hand’
k^rtlk ‘name of a month (Oct-Nov.)’
m^^ŋte ‘before’
čhoit ‘name of a month (March-April)’
:čEt ‘epilepsy’
hl^t ‘razor’

[t5], dental voiceless tense stop is produced same as [t] except tense. The vocal organs are tense.

jo  ‘all’


‘to prick (as thorn)’


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