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In the formation of the above numerals the form ‘-xa’ is added with the units. ‘xa’ follows the units as illustrated below :

nyi xa
hi xa
kanu xa
pinyi xa
koa xa

The lexical item ‘la’ stands for ‘hundred’. The multiples of ‘hundred’ are formed by adding ‘la’ to the units upto ‘four hundred’. In such instances ‘la-’ is prefixed to the units.

‘two hundred’
‘three hundred’
‘four hundred’
‘five hundred’
la x
‘six hundred’
‘seven hundred’
‘eight hundred’
‘nine hundred’

The form ‘la’ is prefixed from ‘four hundred’ onwards as seen in the above list. The form - ako ‘one’ is used instead of - ko ‘one’ when higher numeral above ten is formed. Numerals above ten are formed by conjoining the units with the multiples of ‘ten’ or ‘hundred’. The conjoining marker ‘la’ is used to conjoin the two numerals. The units follow the multiples of ‘ten’ or ‘hundred’ and the conjoining marker occur in between the two. The multiples of ‘ten’ or ‘hundred’ take the adjective marker ‘ha’ when it appear alongwith the units. See the following numerals.

alyahela ako
alyahela kanu
nyixahela hi
lahela ako
‘hundred and one’
lahela alya
‘hundred and ten’
lahela alya hela ako
‘one hundred and eleven’
lanyihela alya hela ako
‘two hundred and one ’
lalya hela la
‘one thousand and one hundred’ 
lalya hela lahela alya 
‘one thousand one hundred  and ten’ 

lalya  hela lahela alya
‘one thousand one hundred  and eleven’ 

It is also possible to form numerals from ‘eleven’ to ‘nineteen’ by adding ‘le’ with the units. In such cases ‘le’ is prefixed to the units (see the sample listed below). These forms are found in addition to the regular numerals explained above.





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