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Plural counterparts of deictic pronouns are formed by adding the plural word - ata or the numeral to the demonstratives.

sika hime any
‘these (two) boys (proximate)  
this boy two
inka pulye ata
‘those clothes (intermediate distance)’
that cloth pl. -word

It is possible to use forms like

sika anye
‘this two’
 ‘these two’
inka ata
 ‘those (items)’
that pl. - word

Interrogative Pronouns :

A two-way distinction between in the vicinity of the speaker and not in the vicinity of the speaker is maintained in interrogative pronouns also. If the referent is not in the vicinity of the speaker, then ‘na’ is suffixed to the interrogative pronouns that are used for referents in the vicinity of the speaker. See the list below :

In the vignity if the speaker
Not in the vignity of the speaker
nu ‘who’
huna ‘who’
n ‘what’
nna ‘what’
nh ‘which’
 nihina ‘which’

For the interrogative - no ‘where (in the vicinity of the speaker)’, the non-vicinity counterpart is formed by suffixing ‘-ho’ as below :

no ‘where’
 noho ‘where’

The other interrogatives are

‘what sort’
‘how many (countable)’
 ‘how much (uncountable)’

Among the above interrogative pronouns, ‘n‘ functions as the interrogative morpheme, except -hu ‘who’. ‘no’ can be analysed as ‘n' + o’ like the place adverbs (See, the section place adverbs on p.32 for details).
The notion of deixis handles certain features of language which are relative to place and time of utterance. Deictic categories are found in Apatani that are used to identify typical spatial and social situation. As already mentioned, this feature is found in the pronominal system. A two-way distinction is made in the social situation, i.e., known Vs. unknown coupled with the spatial situation, i.e., visible vs. invisible. The pronoun ‘si’ is used for referents that are known/in the vicinity of the speaker and ‘h’ is used for referents that are unknown/not in the vicinity of the speaker. A parallel difference is maintained in interrogatives, i.e., in the vicinity of the speaker Vs. not in the vicinity of the speaker. It is done through the marker ‘na’ added to the interrogative pronouns that are used for referents in the vicinity of the speaker.





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