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Action verbs may be ditransitive, transitive or intrasitive depending on whether they take, two objects, one object or none. Action verbs-transitive or intransitive-may be further divided into motion verbs which include tough movement verbs, communication verbs and others.





Motion Communication Others Motion Communication  Others
ml  kts  mhts  t md
‘to climb’ ‘to ask (a question)’ ‘to eat’ ‘to run’ ‘to lie’ ‘to laugh’
    ks v    
    ‘to meet’ ‘to go’    
rth p z chty   ns
‘to jump ‘to speak; ‘to sell’ ‘to walk’   ‘to
over’ to tell’       dance’
Process verbs or Inchoative verbs denote typically change of state or condition. They are intrantive and unlike the action verbs answer the question ‘what happened to x ?’
i ‘to die’
z ‘melt(intr.)’
to ‘burn(intr.)’
mh ‘go out(as fire)’
t ‘break or give way (as rope) (intr.)’
Action Process Verbs entail an action verb and a process verb in a single lexical realisation: As a process it involves a change in the condition of the object and as an action it expresses what someone does. They are, then, necessarily transitive verbs with Agents or Executors as their subjects except in sentences which have passive meaning (structurally, there is no active-passive dichotomy in Angami) where the object is the surface subject.
Action-process verbs may be included-object verbs or included-object included-instrument verbs or included-instrument verbs or included-subject verbs or included-subject included-instrument verbs.
11By an included-x verb ismeant a verb which has x as part of its semantics. An included-object verb, for instance, is a semantically transitive verb. although it may take an object syntactically (but redundantly) also.
Included-object verbs-
mrhu ‘to cut branches’
d ‘to cut grass’
thi ‘to dig a grave’
d ‘to dig (as for terrace field)’
h ‘to dig pond, well’
Included-instrument verbs-
npmh ‘to extinguish with clothes’
vpmh ‘to extinguish by hitting with tree leaves etc.’
mhpmh ‘to extinguish by mouth-blowing’
phipz ‘to melt in the sun’
hopz ‘to melt near the fire’
chpz ‘to melt in a container on the fire’
Included-object included-Instrument verbs-
b ‘to cut hair with scissors’
d ‘to cut hair with dao/knife’
g ‘to cut wood with saw’
r ‘to cut wood with dao’
citsh ‘to fell tree with hands’
dtsh ‘to cut tree with big implements like dao’
Included-subject verbs-
mk ‘to bite (as dog)’
md ‘to bite (as snake or bird)’
t ‘to bite (as man)’
li ‘to marry (subject: masc. sg.)’
h ‘to marry (subject : fem. sg.)’
kr ‘to marry (subject : du. or pl.)’
Included-subject included -instrument verbs-
dkhr ‘human beings killing others with sword/log of wood’
pkhr ‘human beings killing other by shooting’
g ‘human beings killing other by spear’
chkr ‘human beings killing others by strangling’




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