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ketala u krnyo khepu tyo
for or our parents take f.t.m.
because     revenge  
-ie is ou uko tyo
i.a.m. said Oh we will
mu sidi uko keze cu
and like this they(pl.) together went
teanyo ki tsolie
wild cat house reached
uko thevdznyo bu
they(pl.) egg obj.
vo miphu nu z -lie
went oven loc. lay v.r.m.
+f   (in)    
khulinyo bu kho kiluo nu
(a beetle obj. went floor loc.(in.)
-like insect)   down+f    
z -lie mu dzierA   bu vo
lay v.r.m. and (a locust- obj. went+  
      like insect)      
kipr gi balie kenyo teanyo
kipru_ loc. sat later wild cat
s vor -di mitsh tyo di
part. came conj. make fire  f.t.m q.
mi mhe -s -ru thevdz pou
fire blow v.r.m temp. egg explode
pa puo ie va sla
  its face hit so
teanyo s ta kitie
wild cat part. running court yard.
vo ta tyo di kiluo nu
go v.r.m. f.t.m. q. floor loc.
khor -ru khulinuo cierhiephlie -di
come up temp. a beetle-like slip down conj.
  (while) insect    
te cu puo kese  phriepf z -ta
fell down it hit severely lie down v.r.m.
sla dziera cu vo kikhru
so a locust-like obj. go roof
ginu ba -di
source(from) laugh p.a.m. conj.
puo vo -te -wa -di joh
its neck laugh fell v.r.m. conj. aprticular
ca pie puo vo tsh la ie
stem instr. its neck repair nar.




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