na:-Ø-kun |
‘to me’ |
ni-Ø-kun |
‘to your (sg.) |
mi:-Ø-kun |
‘to you’ (pl.) |
wo:r-Ø-kun |
‘to him’ |
aw-e-kun |
‘to those’ |
iw-e:-kun |
‘to these’ |
ad-e:-kun |
‘to that’ |
id-e:-kun |
‘to this’ |
ko:nda:-Ø-kun |
‘to the ox’ |
ko:r-Ø-kun |
‘to the cock’ |
pe:n-Ø-kun |
‘to the God’ |
koyto:r-Ø-kun |
‘to the Gonds’ |
guruju:-r-Ø-kun |
‘to the teachers’ |
-n occurs after the human nouns and before the zero oblique suffix.
tappe:-Ø-n |
‘to the father’ |
mari:-Ø-n |
‘to the child’ |
akka:-Ø-n |
‘to the elder sister’ |
pe:ki:-Ø-n |
‘to the girl’ |
guruju:-Ø-n |
‘to the teacher’ |
When a noun takes two objects, the direct object is left unmarked while the indirect object takes the dative suffix.
tara:s-kun pa:l hi:ta:n |
‘I gave milk to cow’ |
yaya:l mari:n pa:l hi:ta: |
‘mother gave milk to the child’ |
4.9.3. Genitive Suffix ‘-a’ |
The genitive denotes possession of whatever the preceding noun denotes. The genitive case suffix occurs after the oblique -t in case of singular nouns and after -n in case of plural nouns.
masiya:-t-a: he:la: |
‘Masiya’s sister’ |
pe:ka:l-t-a: ka:ge:t |
‘boy’s book’ |
pe:ko:r-n-a: ka:ge:tk |
‘boy’s books’ |
mara:t-a:-pan i: |
‘fruit of the tree’ |
mara:k-n-a: pandi:´ |
‘fruit of the trees’ |