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4.8.2. -t occurs after noun stems ending in a consonant and after nouns ending in vowels -a:, -e:, and -i: when they take case markers other than the dative.
tra:s-t-un ‘the snake’ (accusative)
mara:-t-a: ‘of the tree’
narka:-t-e: ‘in the night’
kalam-t-e: ‘with the pen’
na:r-t-a:h ‘from the village’
nine:-t-e: ‘since yesterday’
ka:nji:-t-a:(lo:n) ‘(house) made of the grass’
4.8.3. - occurs after adverbs of place and after the noun na:r ‘village’
aga:--a:h ‘from there’
iga:--a:h ‘from here’
baga:--a:h ‘from where’
na:r--e: na:--e: ‘in the village’
4.8.4. -n occurs after plural nouns when they take case suffixes other than accusative and dative.
pe:ko:r-n-a: kayak ‘boys’ hand’
pe:ki:-n-a: ka:lk ‘girls’ legs’
mara:k-ne: ‘in or on the trees’
o:k-n-a:h ‘from the fields’
marsk-n-e: ‘with axes’
4.8.5. -e: occurs after demonstratives when they occur with accusative or dative case suffixes.
id-e:n ‘this (accusative)
id-e:-kun ‘to this (dative)
iw-e:-n ‘these’ (accusative)
iw-e:-kun ‘to these’ (dative)
4.8.6. -Ø occurs after -l ending nouns and vowel ending nouns (ii) after plural nouns and (iii) after personal pronouns when they take accusative or dative case suffixes.
na:-Ø-kun ‘me’ (accusative)
‘to me’ (dative)
ni:-Ø-kun ‘you’ (sg.) (accusative)
ma:-Ø-kun ‘us’ (accusative)
‘to us’ (dative)
pe:ko:r-Ø-kun ‘the boys’ (accusative)
‘to the boys’ (dative)
koyto:r-Ø-kun ‘the Gonds’ (accusative)
‘to the Gonds’ (dative)
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