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4.6.2. Non-masculine Plural
/- -k -sk/
       - occurs after these nouns ending in a vowel.
pie:- ‘birds
ma:re:- ‘wings’
uka:- ‘stars’
pilla:- ‘girls’
kaku:- ‘mushrooms’
pi:o:- ‘stories’
a:ki:- ‘leaves’
paki:- ‘lice’
-k occurs after those nouns ending in a consonant.
na-k ‘bugs’
pal-k ‘teeth’
kay-k ‘hands’
kan-k ‘eyes’
kew-k ‘ears’
kal-k ‘stones’
pe:n-k ‘gods’
tayo:m-k ‘tanks’
       In a few instances final -p of the nouns is dropped before this plural morpheme.
irp-k ir-k ‘mahua trees’
gup-k ‘gu-k ‘heaps’
       -sk occurs (a) after feninine kinship terms; (b) after -nj clusters or j; and (c) after disyllabic nouns ending in -l or -r.
(a) akka:-sk akka:-sk ‘elder sisters’
a:-sk a:-sk ‘women’
he:la:sk he:la:sk ‘younger sisters’
miya:-sk miya:-sk ‘daughters’
ya:ya:l-sk ya:ya:-sk ‘mothers’
(b) erpu:nj-sk erupu:-sk ‘chappals’
mu:nj-sk mu:-sk ‘monkey’
wanj-sk wa-sk ‘fingers’
le:nj-sk le:-sk ‘months’
aj-sk ar8-sk ‘bears’
(c) nira:l nira:-sk ‘panthers’
malo:-sk malo:-sk ‘peacocks’
nagil na:gi-sk ‘ploughs’
moyo:l moyo:-sk ‘clouds’
puga:r puga:-sk ‘flowers’
       The mass nouns mul ‘crowd’, ai ‘sky’, netur ‘blood’, e:r ‘water’, pir ‘rain’, kanke:r ‘tears’, mac ‘dew’ and the like not seem to have plural forms. On the other hand, the non-count nouns like nu:ka: ‘rice’, nu: ‘sesame’, da:ri ‘pulse’ etc., do not seem to have singular forms.
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