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V (:) CC
ik ‘stain’
irp ‘mahua tree’
aj ‘bear’
urm ‘thunder’
e:n ‘year’
o:k ‘field’
CV (:) C
kar ‘hunger’
ka:l ‘leg’
ju: ‘mucus’
ju:t ‘clean’
na ‘bug’
na:r ‘village’
CV (:) CC
kunj ‘crow-bar’
me:nj ‘egg’
mulp ‘to set’ (sun)
po:d ‘sun’
ren ‘two’
ne:sk ‘palpitaion’
2.8.2 Structure of Disyllabic words
       Disyllabic words are formed by the combination of two syllabic types. While any one of the syllabic patterns CV, CVC, V or VC and very rarely CVCC occurring as first members, any one of the syllabic patterns CV, CVC or CVCC take the place of second members. The period ‘.’ in the examples given below indicates the syllabic separation.
V:CV: a:.pi: ‘quill of porcupine’
VC.CV: uy.ka: ‘slough of snakes’
CV:.CV: ka:i: ‘threshing floor’
CV:C.CV: ko:n.da: ‘bull’
V.CVC a.con ‘that much’
VC.CVC pan ‘useless’
VC.CVCC er.punj ‘chappal’
V:CC.CV:C e:nd.wa:l ‘dancer’
CV:.CVC ka:.ka ‘crow’
CV:CV:CC u.po:nj ‘tail-ends’
CV:C.CVC ko:ra:l ‘deer’
CV:CC.CV:C ga:yn.ta:l ‘village priest’
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