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       (ii) Clusters of Sonorant + Sonorant
C2: m n l r w y
m mn . mr my
n nm nw
l lm ln lw
r rm rn rl rw ry
m w y
w wl wr
y ym yn
       The above chart shows that /r/, // have wider distribution as first members of medial two-consonant clusters and /m/, /n/ as second members. // occurs only with // as a second member.
-mn- kumna: �to pound�
-mr- camra:l �cobbler�
-my- ka:mya:l �labour, worker�
-nm- gunma: �cylindrical�
-nw- banwa: �garden�
-lm- jilma: �duck�
-ln- pa:lney �ghee�
-lw- ilwi: �lip�
-rm- ermi: �buffalo�
-rn- irna: �small bells strung in a belt which is used while dancing�
-rl- irle: �cattle shed�
-rw- karwi: �narrow mouthed vessel�
-ry- gorya:na: �to crawl�
-m- ema: �dhaura tree�
-- aa: �bellow�
-w- awe: �a rattle to frighten birds�
-y- tayo:m �pond, tank�
-wl- awla: �paw�
-wr- iwra: �that part of yoke placed on bullock�s neck in ploughing�
-ym- keymul �bitter�
-yn- to:yna: �to swell�
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