/e/ |
el |
�rat� |
leyo |
�youth� |
/e:/ |
e:r |
�water� |
ne:tuk |
�wise� |
e: e: |
�lock� |
/o/ |
ondi: |
�one� |
kor |
�cock� |
/o:/ |
o: |
�field� |
go:t |
�love� |
du:do: |
�dust� |
/a/ |
ad |
�that, that woman� |
kal |
�stone� |
/a:/ |
a: |
�woman� |
ka:l |
�leg� |
a:pa: |
�brinjal� |
2.7.0. Clusters |
There are no clusters of syllabic vowels in this language. Among the consonants there are only two instances of intial clusters in the data, viz., /tr/ and /gy/ in the examples /tra:s/ �snake� and /gya:ra:/ �eleven�. |
2.7.1. Medial Clusters |
There are two and three consonants clustering in the word-mid position of which two-consonant clusters are more in number. | Medial Two-consonant Clusters |
All the medial two-consonant clusters can be grouped into four classes. |
(i) Obstruent + Obstruent
(ii) Sonorant + Sonorant
(iii) Obstruent + Sonorant
(iv) Sonorant + Obstruent