[n] Voiced alveolar nasal, occurs
elsewhere. |
/na:r/ |
[na:r] |
‘village’ |
/puna:/ |
[puna.] |
‘new’ |
/mi:n/ |
[mi:n] |
‘fish’ |
Retroflexes: |
/t/ - [t] Voiceless unaspirated
retroflex stop, occurs in all positions. |
/ a:li:/ |
[ ali.] |
‘cow’ |
/e: e:/ |
[e: e.] |
‘crab’ |
/ha: / |
[ha: ] |
‘bazaar’ |
/ /
- [ ]
Voiceless unaspirated retroflex stop, occurs in all positions. |
/ ol/ |
[·ol] |
‘to die’ |
/po: d/ |
[po: d] |
‘sun’ |
/ko: i: |
[ko: i.] |
‘twenty’ |
/gu: / |
[gu: ] |
‘wall of bamboo splinters’ |
Palatals: |
/c / - [c] Voiceless unaspirated
palatal stop with sibilant release, occurs in all positions. |
/conna:/ |
[conna.] |
‘small’ |
/kaci:/ |
[kaci.] |
‘iron’ |
/mac/ |
[mac] |
‘mist’ |
/j/ - [j] Voiced unaspirated
palatal stop, occurs in all positions. |
/je:l/ |
[je:l] |
‘fishing net’ |
/mujo:l/ |
[mujo:l] |
‘husband’ |
/ka:nji:/ |
[ka:˜ji.] |
‘grass’ |
/a j/ |
[a j] |
‘bear’ |
/y/ - [ ]
Non-syllabic high front unrounded vocoid, occurs in all
position. |
/ya:mo:l/ |
[ a:mo:l] |
‘tortoise’ |
/leya:/ |
[le a.] |
‘maiden’ |
/koyto:r/ |
[ko to:r] |
‘a Gond man’ |
/ney/ |
[ne ] |
‘a oil’ |
/nay/ |
[na ] |
‘dog’ |