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Contrast Between Single and Double Consonants
/p/ and /pp/
/ka:pa:r/ �forehead�
/gappa:/ �a big basket�
/b/ and /bb/
/a:ba:/ �a room�
/abba:/ �a tin�
/t/ and /tt/
/mati:/ �medicine�
/nettur/ �blood�
/d/ and /dd/
/padi:/ �ten�
/paddi:/ �pig�
/c/ and /cc/
/kaci:/ �iron�
/kucca:/ �bunch�
/j/ and /jj /
/aja:/ �a ladder�
/majja:/ �a razor�
// and //
/tua:/ �forest�
/ao:r/ �chin�
// and //
/oa:/ �brooke�
/mua:/ �neighbour�
/k and /kk/
/uka:/ �star�
/akka:/ �elder sister�
/g/ and /gg/
/nega:/ �with, in possession�
/begga:/ �where�
/s/ and /ss/
/pe:sa:/ �a work�
/kassa:/ �a pond�
/m/ and /mm/
/tamur/ �younger brother�
/tumma:/ �gourd vessel�
/n/ and /nn/
/suna:/ �gold�
/nanna:/ �I�
/l/ and /ll/
/kalu:/ �toddy�
/kalle:/ �thief�
/r/ and /rr/
/kori:/ �a share�
/gorre:/ �sheep�
/y/ and /yy/
/piya:/ �young one of animals�
/wiyya:/ �a small basket to keep vegetables�
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