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2.2.0. The phonetic transcription used here is relatively broad. The following kinds of phonetic details have been ignored (unless otherwise indicated).

       Fortis and Lenis: In general, word-intial consonants are pronounced with greater impedance of theair stream, increased tension of the muscles of the articulators and heightend sub-glottal presure. Word-medial and word-final consonants, when not doubled, are pronounced with less impedance, decreased tension, and reduced sub-glottal pressure. Such fortis and lenis variants are not noted in the transcription.

       The affricates, labelled �stops, in the inventory function unambiguously as unit consonants in Abujhmaria. We have dropped the notation // and // in favour of /c/ and /j/ respectively.

       Word-initail vowels are automatically pronounced with glottal catch onset. This onset is omitted in the transcription.

       The study of transition features-juncture and clause termials-is not exhaustive. They are explained here only for illustrative purposes.

2.3.0. Phonemic Contrasts
       The phonemes are established on the evidence of contrasts between phonetically similar segments in analogous and identical environments. Eleven types of contrasts are for given for consonant phonemes,

They are:
(1) Voiced and voiceless stops,
(2) Voiceless retroflex and voiceless dental stops,
(3) Glottal fricative and voiceless velar stop,
(4) Alveolar fricative and glottal less stop,
(5) Alveolar fricative and glottal fricative,
(6) Lateral and trill,
(7) Trill and flap,
(8) Flap and voiced retroflex stop,
(9) Bilabial and dental nasal,
(10) Dental and palatal semi-vowels.
(11) Bilabial and palatal semi-vowels.

Following contrasts are given for vowels:
(1) Contrast between short vowels,
(2) Contrast between long vowels and
(3) Contrast between short and long vowels.

2.3.1. Consonant Contrasts
Contrast between /b/ and /p/
/bi:o:/ �arrow with round head to hit birds�
/pi:o:/ �song�
/be:l/ �jaggery�
/pe:l/ �human excrement�
/kabu:r/ �news�
/kapa:r/ �forehead�
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