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4.10. Negatives :
     The negative in Ao has two markers, viz., /ta/ and /ma/. The former is added to the verb in imperative and the latter to any other verbal form. The negative marker /ma/ is also a free form and can be used as a negative reply to a question :
      Q    :  ná c akine as ?                                  ‘do you want water ?’
      A1  :           ma                                                              ‘no’
      A2  :   makine                                          ‘(I) do not want’
      Q   :   ní su akine                                          ‘I want tea’
      A1  :           ma                                                          ‘no’
      A2  :   makine                                                  ‘(I) do not want’
     There is also another free negative form /no/ which is politer than /ma/.
       Q  :    ná coffee akiner as ?                                 ‘do you want coffee ?’
       A1 :            no                                                  ‘no please’
       A2 :    no makine                                              ‘no please, do not want’
     4.10.1. The vowel /-a/ in the negative marker is assimilated to the following vowel as given below. The reason for having /-a/ as the basic vowel is that only if the vowel is /-a/ the morphophonemic loss of one of the two /a/s can be explained as a result of the rule (cf. 1.7) which deletes one of the two identical vowels in a sequence. Moreover, the free form of the negative has the vowel /-a/ present.
     The vowel /a/ of the negative markers is assimilated to the following vowel as mentioned earlier. And the vowel /a-/ is lost before the verb with the classificatory suffix /a/. The following examples will illustrate these changes.     a  à   ø     when followed by a verb with the classificatory vowel.
               ma    +    apú    à      mapú                              ‘not to blow’
               ma    +    asu    à      masu                               ‘not to die’
               ma    +    acam   à      macam                             ‘not to drink’
               ta     +    apú    à   tapú                                ‘don’t blow’
               ta     +    asu      à  tasu                                ‘don’t die’
               ta     +    acam   à  tacam                             ‘don’t drink’ a à i when followed by a verb beginning with the vowel /i/ (the glide /y/ is inserted later between the two vowels).
               ma    +    imsa         à    mi-y-imsa                        ‘not to melt’
               ma    +    imla          à       mi-y-imla                         ‘not to expect’
               ta     +    imsa         à       ti-y-imsa                         ‘don’t melt’
               ta     +    imla          à       ti-y-imla                          ‘don’t expect’ a à u when followed by a verb beginning with the vowel /u/ (the glide /w/ is inserted between the two vowels).
               ma   +   uta    à       mu-w-uta                    ‘not to measure’
               ma   +   ulu           à    mu-w-ulu                      ‘not toexcel’
               ma   +   úsi     à       mu-w-úsi                       ‘not to load’
               ta    +   uta    à      tu-w-uta                      ‘don’t measure’
               ta    +   ulu     à   tu-w-ulu                        ‘don’t excel’
               ta    +   úsi            à      tu-w-úsi                        ‘don’t load’ a à e when followed by a verb beginning with a consonant.
                  ma     +     sùpu                   mesùpu                ‘not to put on’
                  ma     +     meci                   memeci                ‘not to bite’
                  ma     +     nemsi                  menemsi              ‘not to massage’
                  ta      +     ásà                  teásà                ‘don’t explain’
                  ta      +     kamet                  tekamet              ‘don’t protect’
                  ta      +     cipu                     tecipu                ‘don’t fear’





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