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Marrison, G.A.-Section on Ao in The Classification of the Naga Languages of North-East India. (Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of london, 1967).

The earliest linguistic account of Ao is probably that of Mr.Avery , which was followed by Mrs.Clark’s Grammar. The present author could not consult these two works since they were not available to him. Mr.Grier son’s account of this language in LSI was largely based on Mrs.Clark’s Grammer. These earlier works provide the source for Mr.Marrison’s classificatory account of Ao and other Naga languages.

7. The Present Analysis:

The present work is a descriptive study of the structure of the Ao Nagsa language. The description covers Phonology, Morphology and syntax of Ao. It also gives some sample texts. The vocabulary is published seperately.






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